HOW MANY MAIL/ABSENTEE BALLOTS REJECTED? In states like Colorado, Oregon, and Washington that conduct all elections by mail? In other states? In Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) in swing state Pennsylvania?
The article lists rejection rates for mail ballots in all the states in the 2022 midterms. Of note:
+ Washington, Colorado, and Oregon were among the many states with rejection rates >1%.
+ Thirteen states had rejection rates <1%.
+ Two states had rejection rates >2%: Illinois was 2.6%; Texas was 2.7%
For comparison, keep in mind that with in-person voting, a rejection rate of cast ballots of even <1% would never happen.
My research led me to data at the National Conference of State Legislatures (a marvelous source of information for all topics from maternal health care to elections.) According to them, eight states and DC have all-mail elections. I've listed them with the year the enabling legislation passed.
CA - 2021
CO - 2013
DC - 2022
HI - 2019
NV - 2021
OR - 1998
UT - 2012 (counties can choose)
VT - 2021
WA - 2011
In the 2024 elections, Allegheny County, PA (where I live) has a rejection rate is 0.25%. That puts Allegheny County on the same level as states with the lowest rejection rates. Well done.
222,449 mail ballots received by Allegheny County Elections Division
1,484 mail ballots had errors, of which 529 - wrong date, 151 - no privacy envelope, 804 - no date or signature
Allegheny County sent problem ballots back to voters with instructions to fix (cure) them,
924 cured ballots returned to Elections Division
62.26% cured return rate
0.25% final rejection rate
In swing state Pennsylvania, 26 counties do not permit ballot curing. period. The law does not require ballot curing, allowing counties to decide, and the courts have upheld that.