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Franco and Mrs. Rogers on Mail-in Voting In 2020, Franco and Mrs. Joanne Rogers teamed up on voting. A LWVPGH Tribute to STEELER Great and Legendary Neighbor, #32 FRANCO HARRIS Franco, You Will Be Remembered!
PA ONLINE Voter Registration
Attn: Young People - VOTE!
Voting After a Move
What is a Provisional Ballot
Incorrect PollBook Information?
Forgot Your ID? Provisional Ballot
Not Sure Mail-in Ballot Recvd
Wrong District--Provisional Ballot
Counting Your Provisional Ballot
Debunking False Claims of Election Fraud
Walkthrough VIDEO
Walkthrough SLIDE DECK
More Than You Know- You COUNT
I Don't Know Who to Vote For?
How to Counter MIS- and DISINFORMATION
Motivations of Disinformers
LWVPGH 1-minute video on what motivates spreaders of misinformation and disinformation.
Strategies for Disinformation
This LWVPGH 1-minute video show actions YOU can take to counter disinformation!
Beware the Bots
This 1:30 minute LWVPGH video informs users to "beware of malicious bots" in their social media networks.
AI and Misinformation VIDEO
AI and Misinformation Presentation by the LWVPGH on April 16, 2024 for LWVPA's Ballot Box Basics
AI and MIsinformation Slide Deck
Roles of the Courts in Elections
April 2024 Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts presentation to LWVPGH.
PA Judicial System-What To Know
Hosted by the LWVPGH and Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts, (prior to the 2022 Federal and State Elections)
Judicial System BASICS
Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts workshop prior to the 2022 Federal and State Elections.
Evaluluate a Judicial Candidate
This 2021 presentation hosted by the LWVPGH and two members of the Allegheny Bar Associaltion's Judicial Committee.
ELECTION INTEGRITY Videos from LWVPGH, PA DOS, and US Election Assistance Commission
Journey of an Official Ballot VIDEO
Follow the "Behind the Scenes" before, during, and after journey of your PA ballot.
Before, During, After Your Vote
From the US Election Assistance Commission this video explains all phases of the US voting process.
Election Security- Local
This video from PA DOS explains security measures for voters in Local Elections.
Election Security- State- PA DOS
This video from PA DOS explains Election Security for Pennsylvania.
Vote with a Criminal History Video
Many eligible citizens with a Justice History believe they cannot register and vote. Get the reliable information in this video. Most citizens with a criminal history CAN register and vote. For more see
Returning Citizens Voter Project VIDEO
Do you know your voting rights if you have a criminal history? Did you know most Pennsylvania citizens are eligible to vote? Learn who can and cannot vote with this LWVPGH video. (Narrated by Ms. Tene Croom)
Incarcerated Citizens Voting Rights VIDEO
Are you a citizen who has never voted or is not sure you are eligible to vote. We have information for you in this LWVPGH video. (Narrated by Mr. Richard Garland)
VOTER EMPOWERMENT Civic Education Videos with ASL
How to Register to Vote in PA- with ASL
How to Register to Vote SLIDE DECK
Out-of-State Students Register- with ASL
Out-of-State Students Slide Deck
5 Myths of Voting VIDEO-with ASL
5 Myths of Voting SLIDE DECK
Understand the Next Election
Understand the Next Election SLIDE DECK
WQED at Brentwood HS
WQED TV filmed the February 2020, High School Voter Outreach visit at Brentwood High School as they presented their voter registration/civic education program, including student interviews.
League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh PRESENTATIONS
AI and Misinformation Presentation by the LWVPGH on
April 16, 2024 for LWVPA's Ballot Box Basics
LWVPGH Presents Voting Made Easy- Ballot Box Basics
"Voting Made Easy" Presentation by the LWVPGH on March 28, 2024 for LWVPA's Ballot Box Basics
Train the Trainer Slide Deck
LWV Mis- and Disinformation Strategies
LWVPGH March 28, 2023 presentation is the result of a collaboration between LWVUS and the Algorithmic Transparency Institute (ATI).
LWV US Mis- Disinformation Slide Deck
Teaching Hope and Agency to Youth
"Not Your Grandmother's Civic Education" Spring, 2023
LWV/National Institute of Civic Discourse Network
Not Your Grandmother's Slide Deck
Let's Talk About Women's Suffrage VIDEO
Struggles of the US Suffragists in gaining the right to vote in this LWVPGH video.
Let's Talk About Women's Suffrage Slide Deck
LWVPGH Panel at U of Pittsburgh
Fix Harrisburg Video-LWVPGH with ASL
LWVPGH presentation November 2022.
Fix Harrisburg Slide Deck- LWVPGH
8 Ways to Be Active Citizen
Role of PA Courts in a Democracy -3 Branches
This AOPC video for secondary students.
3 Branches- How Government Works
For primary students, this AOPC video explains HOW GOVERNMENT WORKS with the 3 BRANCHES.
Voting for Kids
From Kids Academy, this video explains HOW to VOTE for primary students.
JA's BIZTOWN -4th -6th Graders
"Where Learning Meets the Real World"