What if my name does not show up in the poll book (also called the "Voting Record" or “Voter Rolls”) at my polling place when I check in.
If you registered to vote before the deadline, tell the election official. The poll books are printed the Friday before the election, but additional registered voter names are given to polling places as “poll book supplemental lists.” If your name does not appear in the poll book, you can ask an election official or the Judge of Elections in your polling place to check the supplemental list and/or to call your County Elections Office.
- If your name IS FOUND as a registered voter, you will be given a regular, paper ballot to vote.
- If your name IS FOUND, but you haven't voted in up to two Federal election cycles: You will be asked to sign an affidavit to change your status from "inactive" to "active" and then you may vote with a regular, paper ballot.
- If your name is NOT found, and election officials are telling you that you are in the wrong polling place, a) you should go to the correct polling place or b) if you believe you are in the correct polling place, you may ask for a provisional ballot.
- If your name is NOT found, you have the right to ask for a provisional ballot (see above).
VOTING TIP: Do not leave without voting—it is your right! Just remember, following the election, if your eligibility to vote is confirmed by your County Elections Office, your provisional ballot will be counted.