Slide Decks
for Schools and Community:
Through the LWVPGH High School Outreach project, we have created many PowerPoint presentations. Other presentations have been created by LWVUS, LWVPA, and LWVPGH members for trainings, new member orientation, or community events. We are sharing these slide decks so that anyone, including schools, community organizations, and local Leagues may use them as reliable resources, with attribution to the LWVPGH. The League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh is committed to the presentation of nonpartisan, reliable information in order to expand civic engagement and the commitment to democratic principles.
Some Allegheny County-specific information is included. In some presentations, we may have added a “copyright” line to each slide which must be removed if a slide is altered. Before revising the PowerPoint presentations or individual slides, we make a friendly request that all users adhere to the League of Women Voters’ nonpartisan policy and standards. The League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh is not responsible for revisions that might not meet the nonpartisan and reliability standards of the League of Women Voters.
Walkthrough SLIDE DECK Click button to download Fall, 2022 Target Audience: College-University Duration 30 minutes (20 minutes with 10 minutes Q & A) Walk through this League of Women Voters website. Find local voter information and nonpartisan candidate information; photos, bios, candidate websites and candidate answers to 3 questions to compare side-by-side. Click on LWVPGH YouTube video, left (4:36 minutes)
#Make Government Work For You PP 2021-23 Click button to download Winter and Spring 2021 and 2022 Target Audience: HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS Duration: 40 minutes (30 minutes PowerPoint, 10 minutes Voter Registration) During the winter and spring of 2021, the second PowerPoint was presented both in-person and then virtually during the pandemic shutdown. This interactive presentation explores what it means to be a citizen in our democracy, explores how students feel about voting, and explains why participation of all citizens is essential for our representative democracy. It helps students understand the different types of elections each year and the difference between the Primary and General Elections, while the 2021 Municipal Election is highlighted. Voter Registration is explained and the website is introduced along with League of Women Voters mottos of "Your Vote is Your Voice" and "Democracy is NOT a spectator sport" are reinforced. For more information about how to start your own High School and College/University Outreach program, see the LWVPGH CIVIC EDUCATION MODEL 2021-24
Preview For 5th Graders- From Student to Citizen with Suffrage Winter, Spring 2022 Target Audience - Middle School Students Duration 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation; 10 minutes Q & A) Students will learn why VOTING is a powerful way to participate in our government; how informed, active citizens may recognize “Founding Principles” that are essential to making democracy work (and how a “working Democracy” will work for them); and an introduction to Women's Suffrage. For more information about how to start your own High School and College/University Outreach program, see the LWVPGH CIVIC EDUCATION MODEL 2021 PDF 8.8.21
Recently, AI has made the leap from a behind-the-scenes assistant to a creative tool, offering to generate illustrations, change the tone of a document, or create a slide deck based on written notes. Even if AI hasn't been used directly, many certainly may have had some contact with art, music, video, text, and scientific information produced with the help of AI.
This presentation focuses on AI in the context of an upcoming election cycle. It includes some of the ways AI is being used both to create disinformation, and also to counteract it, and it provises some strategies to limit the negative effects of AI on our media and information environments.
How to Be an INFORMED Citizen Click button to download
March 2022 Target Audience: Members, Community Duration: 40-60 minutes Facilitating the participation of active, but also INFORMED citizens had been the mission of the League of Women Voters from its origins in 1920. This PowerPoint presentation can be completed in one hour (including questions) with a wide variety of community groups. It focuses on some of the FOUNDING PRINCIPLES that have sustained our democracy,while also explaining voting and elections. It empowers EVERY CITIZEN to engage in our democracy. Digital or in-person Voter Registration can be incorporated following the presentation.
Community Presentation--101 Years of Advocacy and Action Click link to download
August 2021 Target Audience: Members, Community Duration: 15 minutes Participation of active, informed citizens is a bedrock principle of our democracy and it has been a foundational principle of the League of Women Voters from its origins in 1920. This PowerPoint presentation, which can be completed in 15-minutes with community groups, explores strategies for participation of all citizens in the political process. It emphasizes the importance of involvement at any level--local, state, and national. Digital or in-person Voter Registration can be incorporated following the presentation.
The League of Women Voters mottos of "Your Vote is Your Voice" and "Democracy is NOT a spectator sport" are reinforced.