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Phone 412-261-4284
LWV of Greater Pittsburgh
436 Seventh Avenue
Suite 350
Pittsburgh PA 15219
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Member Hub

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Are you ready to empower voters and defend democracy?  We have a place for you:

  • Volunteer at an Event
  • Come to a Voter Service Committee Meeting
  • Learn with the Non-fiction Bookclub
  • Join a Committee or Project Team


Get involved in the largest LWV Chapter in Pennsylvania!

Upcoming Events
Member Calendar
Welcome Members
Welcome to Our Newest Members!

Welcome to the League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh!

"Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy."

The LWV, a nonpartisan grassroots political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.  The LWV is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

New to the League? 
View some of our Introductory Documents...
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              ...or learn more about us on these webpages:

Membership at LWVPGH
Anyone aged 16 and older may become a voting member of the League of Women Voters.  Your membership at LWVPGH includes membership in the state and national levels of the League of Women Voters.

New Dues and Membership Structure:  Beginning in 2025, all membership management will be handled by LWVUS at the national level using a new software platform called "ChapterSpot."    See these documents from LWVUS for a good overview of the new system:  

The New Join/Renew Process 
New Membership System FAQs.

Please note:  When you join, or update your membership account, LWVPGH will not receive your new membership information until the following day.  Look for your local membership confirmation and login credentials the day after you sign up.

Join Us! 

Beginning in 2025, the dues structure has changed from a fixed rate to a flexible rate. 

  • $75 is the recommended dues payment.  As before, this amount is divided between LWVPGH, LWVPA and LWVUS, and you will become a member at all three levels.
  • $20 is the minimum dues payment.  
  • Student membership  at LWVPGH is free, with approval. Student membership is open to anyone aged 16-26, enrolled full-time or part-time in a secondary or post-secondary educational institution.
  • Household memberships no longer exist.  Each person must join as an individual with a unique email address.
Join Us!

Updating Your Account Information

If you need to update any of your account or contact information, you can do so at

Donating to LWVPGH
Did you know that when you join LWVPGH, 80% of your dues are directed to LWVPA and LWVUS?  While this supports important activities and advocacy at the state and national levels, LWVPGH receives only 20% of your dues payment. Our local activities and expenses are financed largely through donations.

Making a Donation when Paying Dues

The new flexible dues system changes a familiar donation process.  In the past, many members made a donation to our local League by adding the donation amount to their annual dues payment.  With the flexible dues system, any addition to the recommended $75 will be counted as dues and divided between LWVUS, LWVPA, and LWVPGH.  If you choose to make an additional donation to LWVPGH, do not include it in your dues amount.  Instead:  

Pay your dues at the national website at whatever level you choose.  Then, either

  • Check the "Additional Membership Donation" option during the dues payment process to donate to our local league,  OR
  • Return to this website and use our "Donate" button.   



  Adding to Your Dues Payment
      This image uses a bar graph to show the breakdown of a dues payment that is over the suggested $75 membership level.  The additional $100 is divided between the national, state, and local leagues with the local league receiving $20.
Dues:  When you pay your dues at the national website, 20% goes to our local chapter and the remainder is divided between the national and state leagues.  
 vs. Adding a Separate Donation

This image uses two bar graphs to show how payment is allotted when a member pays the suggested $75 dues and then makes a separate $25 donation directly to the local league.  In this case, the local league receives $15 from the dues payment and the entire $25 donation, for a total of $40.
Donations:  When you check the  "Additional Membership Donation" option on the national website, or when you use the donate link right here on our local website, 100% of your donation goes to our local league.
More Ways to Donate 

LWVPGH is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, so fees and donations are tax deductible and eligible for employer matching funds.  Some retirement funds allow for donor directed  charitable contributions.  You can ask your financial advisor to facilitate this. Our tax ID is  23-7173521

Get Involved!


Get connected with activities and volunteer opportunities by filling out or updating your interest survey.

Log in to access the
Member Interest Survey

Members - You need to log in to the website to view some of the information on this page. 
If you need help logging in, please see the Member Login Help page.

1. Volunteer
Volunteer from Home -- Flexible and Remote Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer task
To get involved, contact:

New Member Welcome
Contact new LWVPGH members and help introduce them to the League.
Judy Diorio,
Digital Facts for Citizens revision
Help update our Directory of Elected Officials.  We'll need help with data collection, layout, proofreading....
Ruth Quint

2. Join a Committee 
Voter Service Committee meetings are held online on the first Tuesday of each month, and all members are welcome to attend!  It's a great way to meet fellow members and find a way to get involved.    Log in to the website to access meeting Zoom links on the web calendar, or contact Judy Clack at to be added to the email list.    There are several subcommittees that meet on their own schedules.  For details, see the list below.
Voter Service Subcommittees -- Members, log into the website for details and contact information.  Member Login Help
Candidate Forums - Help Wanted!
 plans, produces and promotes candidate forums prior to all elections.  All forums are now held on Zoom. 
-finds candidate contact information, updates invitation letter and ground rules agreement, communicates with candidate or campaign manager.
-assigns moderator, timer, and two Zoom hosts, and hold rehearsals for LWVPGH volunteers and candidates.

Civic Education in Schools and Community (see webpage)--3 Volunteer Teams; 

High School Outreach-creates and delivers classroom presentations about youth civic engagement and voter registration for high school and college-university classrooms. 

-creates educational resources such as graphics, slide decks, and videos to support civic education for schools and community groups.
College-University Outreach-develops contacts with Student Services at local universities to provide tailored voter education and registration information to students.

Video Team-produces slide decks and videos for use in classrooms and on social media. See Video web page

Vote411 Committee -Help Wanted!
- compiles contact info for candidates countywide, drafts questions, and follows up to collect and post responses on

Naturalization Commitee - Help Wanted!
-provides a voter registration team at area Naturalization ceremonies, and 
presents a speech welcoming new citizens, giving a brief outline of the right to vote in the US, and explaining the registration and voting process.  
-distributes voter registration materials, and helps the new citizens to complete their applications.  

Food Pantry Committee - Help Wanted!
designs and prints voter registration and education information prior to each election; prepares packets of documents for delivery to food pantries for public distribution.

Religious & Community Outreach - Help Wanted!

develops contacts with faith-based communities; distributes a series of election and voter education information prior to all elections.

Senior Outreach - Help Wanted!
provides voting information in a way that meets the needs of seniors. Emails, large font printed materials, videos, and in person presentations are some of the ways the committee reaches out to seniors.  The committee is also building connections with local non-partisan groups to spread the information further and to advise seniors of local voting events.

Public Access TV Outreach

- Compiles information in link form to send to public access station managers--these can be recordings of candidate forums, or other non-partisan video content.  (We will try to make some videos along with the Civic Education committee.)

More Committees -- Members, log into the website for details and contact information.

 Advocacy -Help Wanted! 

 -identifies advocacy goals at the state and local level, determines priorities and actions, designs calls to action for LWVPGH members

 Membership Commitee - Help wanted! 

-We reach out to all new members and help orient them to the League. We encourage membership renewals, help with the membership directory, and develop correspondence and information to be shared with our new and renewing members. We recruit new members, with emphasis on our DEI efforts, and we seek to personally contact all new members.

 Education - Help Wanted! 

-studies and advocates on issues relating to public education policy, such as school funding, discipline policies, charter and cyber schools.  New members are needed.

 Social Media 

-plans and develops posts for the LWVPGH Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram accounts; promotes LWVPGH events and educational materials; reposts election and advocacy information from LWVPA and partnering organizations.

Website Support 

-plans and develops new web content, and maintains the calendars, blogs, election information, and member services on the website.

3. Join a Book Club

The LWVPGH Non-Fiction Book Club meets on the third Friday of each month in the Squirrel Hill area.

The LWVPGH North Hills Book Club meets on the second Sunday of each month.
Both groups welcome new members!

These groups  run independently.  Each group discusses a single, group-selected book. Occasionally they settle on a topic with members selecting their own reading.  For more information contact:

North Hills Book Club: Sue Broughton
Non-Fiction Book Club:  Joan Cucinotta.
Recent Blogs
Book Club News and Reviews
Organizational Documents
Bylaws, Annual Reports, etc...
Member Documents  
Members, please log in to view additional content.  
Member Login Help

Annual Meeting Workbook June 2020

Annual Meeting Workbook June 2021

Annual Meeting Workbook June 2022

Annual Meeting Workbook June 2023

Annual Meeting Workbook June 2024